Annual Renewal, Compliance, and Continuing Education

2024 Court Interpreter Renewal and Compliance Cycle

The 2024 Court Interpreter Renewal and Compliance cycle for active certified and registered interpreters is closed. If you were suspended, then you must pay the $100 renewal fee and $250 reinstatement fee (total of $350) to be reinstated. Please contact the Court Interpreters Program at sends email) for more information.

The 2025 Compliance Cycle will open July 1, 2025. Interpreters may pay their annual renewal fee and attest to compliance (if due) online through the interpreter portal of the Court Interpreter Data Collection System (CIDCS). If an interpreter is paying his/her annual fee by check and attesting by paper form (if due for that interpreter), the Court Interpreters Program must receive the annual renewal fee and attestation form by November 26, 2025, to avoid suspension and a negative impact to his/her credential.

Note: Effective January 1, 2025, the Court Interpreters Advisory Panel revised the annual compliance requirements for court interpreters and removed late fees and automatic revocation for interpreters who are out of compliance. The revised Compliance Requirements are available here. A summary chart provides an overview of the changes. 

For completing the compliance requirements online, please note:

  • The Interpreter Portal only accepts Visa and Mastercard
  • Use Google Chrome
  • Clear the browser cache


In accordance with Government Code section 68562, all spoken language interpreters must meet annual renewal requirements to maintain their credentialed status as a California certified court or registered interpreter. 

The Court Interpreters Program reserves the right to audit and request documentation verifying completion of compliance requirements. Interpreters are responsible for ensuring that that the Court Interpreters Program has their current contact information in its records. An interpreter who does not ensure that the Court Interpreters Program has his/her current mailing address and e-mail address is not exempted from fulfilling his/her compliance requirements. Interpreters may update their contact information by utilizing the Interpreter Portal in the Court Interpreter Data Collection System (CIDCS), e-mailing updates to sends email), or completing and mailing the Information Update/Verification form

Minimum Continuing Education Requirements

Interpreters are required to retain documentation as proof of having met their Continuing Interpreter Minimum Education (CIMCE) requirements, as well as their professional assignment requirements, for five years. Educational providers include CIMCE numbers on certificate(s), transcripts, and letters. If you lose your certificate of completion or other documentation verifying course attendance, you must contact the provider. The Court Interpreters Program does not maintain a list of course availability. Please consult the list of approved continuing education providers for contact information to inquire about current course offerings. 

We highly encourage interpreters to seek out courses offered by providers whose educational activities are approved by the Court Interpreters Program for CIMCE. However, interpreters who have taken non-CIMCE approved courses and wish to apply for credit must complete an application for approval and submit it to the Court Interpreters Program at sends email). Only courses that meet the criteria found in the Compliance Requirements for Certified and Registered Court Interpreters (2025) will be considered. Please note that an application fee may apply.