Interpreter Learning Portal

Interpreter Education Provided by the Court Interpreters Program

Language Access Services now provides access to a learning management system, called the Interpreter Learning Portal, to active certified and registered California court interpreters. The purpose is to provide certified and registered California court interpreters a centralized location to access educational resources produced by Language Access Services. It is a continuously updated resource. 

 Access to the Interpreter Learning Portal is limited to active certified and registered California court interpreters and requires login credentials. Please contact to obtain login credentials.  

Visit the Interpreter Learning Portal: 

Provisionally Qualified Interpreters

Provisionally Qualified interpreters who are seeking access to required trainings should email for more information. 

For more information regarding provisionally qualified interpreters, please review the Procedures and Guidelines to Appoint a Noncertified or Nonregistered Interpreter as Either Provisionally Qualified or Temporary.